Saturday, 30 July 2011

Some of you may remember this post...

Which addressed the pathetic attitudes of the mainstream press when it comes to (so called) kink. Well, I'm afraid it's happened again! Yesterday I was flicking through Mistress R's copy of 'Easy Living' and the front cover promised 'Tales of 4 Women's Unconventional Sex Lives!'. Well, of course my first thought was, does one of them hold her husband's chastity belt key?
How could I be so stupid.
One of them is a virgin.
One of them is the managing director of (truly shocking that a woman should run a company that sells dildos I know, but the article actually revealed nothing about her sex life save for which was her favourite vibrator - one that vibrates to the beat of whichever song you play on your iPod or some such nonsense, presumably she switches the selection to 'Slayer' when she wants the big finish?)
One of them is a lesbian (pretty shocking in this day and age I know...!)
And the other one was a former erotic dancer who had been raped eight times. Which rather begs the question, how many times do you have to get raped before you realise that you are putting yourself in danger? I should have thought twice was enough. She even said that one of the times she had a knife held at her throat and she was convinced they were going to kill her. Mistress R was in full agreement with my observation and added that she thought there had to be a lot more to that story than was told.
Now I am not in the habit of trivialising rape, it is a terrible crime and I very briefly knew a girl who had recently been raped by her boyfriend... but my beef is with this appalling journalism. Does this story belong in a supposedly 'titilating' article like this, really?
And how is 'being a lesbian' in any great way 'unconventional' anymore, for God's sake even Mistress R's mother knows a lesbian couple and she's about as conventional as you could possibly get. I guess being a virgin is quite unusual, but once again it's the 'I sell sex toys' angle that really grates the nerve.
I have long read Mistress R's magazines, in fact it's something I would thoroughly recommend all men to do as it does (over time) give you an insight into how women think and to an extent how to have a long and happy marriage! You just have to pick and choose the bits that are worth reading and ignore the 'We're loving these (insert designer brand name here) candles - £78 per pair from John Lewis).
I guess the truth is that there's a gap in the market now, because once you feel like you are too old for Cosmopolitan (which is really aimed at the late 20's, early 30's market... and despite it's 'racey' image is actually full of articles like 'Why won't he commit', which is rather redundant since Mistress R and I have been marred since we were 23!) there's just not that much to go at, especially if you are not yet ready for the likes of 'Woman and Home' or any of the mags that tell you which is the best value for money stair-lift on the market.
Well, anyway... Mistress R said last night that she's going to write to them and tell them how pathetic their article was and that they should be telling their readers about the benefits of 'male chastity', which on one hand is laudable, but on the other hand I just know they will get it so wrong, and make us out to be spineless worms, and God knows what ill-informed fuckwit experts they will drag out to give their 'valued opinions'.
Oh who am I kidding, they are no more going to write about male chastity than... I'm going to start a blog about knitting. Not while there's still easy copy to be had from pointing at women who work in the 'adult online retail sector' and giggling pathetically.
Oh and chaps, if you do meet a woman who works in sex toys, apparently the biggest turn off is for you to say 'do you get to test them out?'. That's some pretty radical information right there!

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